
Katie Goes Platinum: All About Gray Hair!

🌞 How Going Gray Changed My Life for the Better

Published almost 2 years ago • 3 min read

Hello Reader,

I started my transition to naturally silver hair back in 2018 because I was sick and tired of all the time, money, and emotional resources I was wasting on chasing my roots.

It seemed like a never-ending battle (which it was).

The night that I decided I was DONE with dyeing, I felt incredibly liberated and that euphoric feeling lasted through my entire grow-out (and beyond)!
I didn't realize (when I was trapped in the endless cycle of dyeing) how much it was weighing on me, and how much of my life revolved around the dye bottle until it all came to a screeching halt when I finally said, "Never again!"


It sounds dramatic - after all, it's not like I was giving up alcohol, drugs, or leaving an abusive relationship.
But it WAS a big deal!

It truly was, and giving up that dye bottle made a huge difference in my life.

And it's not just me - I have spoken to many women who feel the same.
​Obviously, everyone's experience will be different, but here's a little overview of how going gray changed my life for the better:

I stopped losing hair. I used to pull out a disgustingly large amount of hair from my shower trap after each shampoo, but nowadays it's just a few strands.
My poor plumber has lost money since I went gray! No more late night calls to unclog my drain!

My hair grew in thicker, glossier, and smoother. For years, I had to use keratin treatments and frizz-products to make my hair look decent.

Now, it just grows in that way!

And it's THICK, just like it was when I was a teenager.

I'm enjoying who I am NOW. Accepting my grays meant that I was forced to confront who I am NOW instead of chasing who I used to be.
It was a bit shocking at first, but now I love it. I'm not hiding part of myself from the world anymore, and it feels AWESOME.

I've upped my style game. I'm still nobody's idea of a style guru, but going gray has kickstarted my desire to dress fashionably again.

It's fun to figure out what clothes/colors/makeup etc. look great with my lighter hair.
It's also fun to defy societal expectations by going out in public as a gray-haired woman over 50 dressed to kill.

They don't expect it, and it might flummox some people, and that's all to the good! I refuse to be invisible.

I created a new career for myself. I still have my day job but if I didn't live in expensive California, I could support my family full time by blogging.
It's the first job that I've ever had that uses all of my strengths AND earns money. As a creative person, I finally have an outlet and it's a wonderful feeling!
And I have many silver sister friends who also started new careers after they went gray - as models, entrepreneurs, upper management, etc.

I think some of that stems from realizing "I can do hard things" - going gray cold turkey in public was NOT easy but it forced me out of my comfort zone and kickstarted the feeling that I could do anything I put my mind to.

How about you?

How has going gray affected YOU?

Let me know! If I get enough responses, I'll send a sampling of them out next week in my next newsletter.
Thanks, and have a great weekend!

Katie xo

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​Bold Uniq - PETA-approved, cruelty-free, vegan and powerful purple hair products to reduce yellow tones in silver and blonde hair. Use code KATIE20 for 20% off.

​Eye Embrace - one of the only companies that makes eyebrow pencils & powders in a multitude of gray shades for every skin tone. Use code KGPBROWS for 5% off

​Kerotin - Another excellent purple hair care products company. Their products are Made in the USA, and are free of silicones, parabens, sulfates and sodium chloride. They are also cruelty-free. Use code KGP15 for 15% off.

​QuickSilverHair Clay Kit - Hands-down, my favorite gray hair product to brighten your silver hair! My son uses it to clarify his super-dense, curly hair and he loves it just as much as I do!

​Tangled Silver Magazine - My favorite magazine devoted to gray hair! It's filled with gorgeous photos PLUS product recommendations and advice from your fellow silver sisters. Starting in 2022, you'll have the option to get the digital version in English, Spanish or French. Use code KGP10 for 10% off.

my emails usually contain affiliate links. if you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.




Katie Goes Platinum: All About Gray Hair!

Katie from Katie Goes Platinum offers advice, product recommendations, and support for women of every age and at every stage of their journey to gray hair. So whether you're just thinking about going gray, are mid-transition, or are fully silver, Katie has your back!

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