
Katie Goes Platinum: All About Gray Hair!

Katie from Katie Goes Platinum offers advice, product recommendations, and support for women of every age and at every stage of their journey to gray hair. So whether you're just thinking about going gray, are mid-transition, or are fully silver, Katie has your back!

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Three Fantastic Ways to Pamper Your Silver Hair in 2023

Hello Reader, Happy New Year! (OK, that was last week but I was recovering from Christmas - it takes me longer now that I'm older 🤓). In any case, I hope your 2023 got off to a great start! Mine was fairly uneventful but it was exactly what I wanted/needed. Rather than going on a mini-vacation, as planned, my husband and I and our two sons decided we wanted to just rest and recharge. So we ended up relaxing at home, eating comfort food, and watching movies on our new projector. It was just...

over 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hello Reader, A few years ago, a friend of mine had a weird incident at her workplace. My friend (let's call her "Fiona") was a producer on a very popular national talk show. Fiona worked completely behind the scenes - she was NEVER on camera.Which is what made what happened next so bizarre! Fiona's natural hair texture is very curly, but she wears it straight most of the time. One day, she decided to wear her hair curly (for once) and she drove to work. Shortly after arriving at her...

3 months ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader, I don't have many regrets about my gray hair transition - I loved it, and found it empowering, and came out of it with healthier hair! But - I actually do have one MAJOR regret, that I'm sharing with you today over on YouTube: Do you have any regrets? Please hit reply and let me know. I'd love to hear them as it could help women in the future avoid making the same mistakes we made. Have a great day!Katie xo

8 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, Having a bad hair day isn't unusual, but when you have gray hair (especially if you're mid-transition) sometimes it can feel disastrous. You might wonder, "Did I make a mistake growing out my gray?"In my latest video, I lay out the 5 most common reasons women don't like their gray hair, and I give you solutions for each of them. There's totally no shame in going back to the dye, but if you want some alternatives, check it out. Prefer text to video? You can find the related blog...

8 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, Some of my favorite memories of being a child were the many summertime hours I spent reading Nancy Drew books. I'd splay out on a couch, or in a lawn chair, devouring all of Nancy's detective stories. I couldn't get enough of them! Those books were entertaining, but they were also instructive as Nancy was a good role model as she exuded self-sufficiency. One thing that always struck me was that Nancy always kept a fully-packed suitcase in the trunk of her coupe. If I remember...

10 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,I was looking for a suitable quote this week for International Women’s Day and I found this one, which I absolutely love: “A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and herself only.”– Maya Angelou I thought this quote was apropos for our silver sister community. After all, it’s not easy to ignore the societal pressure to conform to beauty standards. When over 75% of...

about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader,One of the first things I heard about when I joined my first Facebook gray hair support group was purple shampoo.There was so much chit-chat about it, and a lot of confusion about when was the right time TO use it or IF you needed to use it. Some people hate it because it can dry out your hair, tint your hair purple, or trigger dye-related allergies. Other people love it because - if used properly - it can reduce the appearance of yellow tones in gray hair and brighten up the...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read

Hello Reader, I hope you're well and able to keep calm during the holiday season whirlwind. ** Warning: This email is a bit long but there's a super important section at the bottom, so please make sure to check that out **I have to be honest: I started off the holiday season feeling a wee bit of dread and dismay (mainly due to feeling overwhelmed due to my overly hectic schedule). As the Mom in our house, I take it upon myself every year to decorate the house, bake ALL the cookies, host...

over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader, Something happened to me the other day and I would be willing to bet money that it's happened to some of you, too. I went to a party and saw a lot of women I hadn't seen since the pandemic started. I had a fabulous time except for this one thing that happened - and that happens often enough to me that it's starting to get irksome... I'm not sure how to explain this well, but I'll try. Note: if you're one of my friends who was at the party and I somehow didn't realize you were on...

over 1 year ago • 4 min read

Hello Reader, I started my transition to naturally silver hair back in 2018 because I was sick and tired of all the time, money, and emotional resources I was wasting on chasing my roots. It seemed like a never-ending battle (which it was). The night that I decided I was DONE with dyeing, I felt incredibly liberated and that euphoric feeling lasted through my entire grow-out (and beyond)! I didn't realize (when I was trapped in the endless cycle of dyeing) how much it was weighing on me, and...

almost 2 years ago • 3 min read
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